▓▒░♠ ★Rob H ♠░▒▓: Despite The Recession Erwin Rommell....
▓▒░♠ ★Rob H ♠░▒▓: Despite Buying A Nikon This Guy Could Still Afford To Eat Out
▓▒░♠ ★Rob H ♠░▒▓: Despite The Recession People Still Huddle In Shop Doorways To Eat Lunch And Have A Fag
▓▒░♠ ★Rob H ♠░▒▓: Despite Having Just Bought A Nikon D700
▓▒░♠ ★Rob H ♠░▒▓: Despite The Recession...
▓▒░♠ ★Rob H ♠░▒▓: Despite The Recession, This Geezer Is A Tight Wad And Wasn't Going To Share His Pie With His Bird
▓▒░♠ ★Rob H ♠░▒▓: South African Eating A Sandwich
▓▒░♠ ★Rob H ♠░▒▓: Despite The Recession People Are Still eating Out...