the hanner: baby hand
the hanner: matteo
the hanner: i heart...
the hanner: DSCF2968
the hanner: mamma
the hanner: daddy
the hanner: DSCF2988
the hanner: squidgy little alien
the hanner: mewwww. he's so tiny
the hanner: mama et bebe
the hanner: i love
the hanner: munchkin
the hanner: tayo
the hanner: sleeping bubba
the hanner: look at that hair!
the hanner: baby pushups
the hanner: mama et bebe
the hanner: american apparelled
the hanner: i know it's mean to laugh at babies
the hanner: look at that face
the hanner: oldie
the hanner: oh gawd!
the hanner: sorry, i had to do it
the hanner: spit bubble
the hanner: je l'aime
the hanner: you wouldn't think we were the grown ups
the hanner: pow. superbaby.
the hanner: awww
the hanner: xxEmoBabyxx