gcaserotti: DSCN2154
gcaserotti: DSCN2157
gcaserotti: Hold Pick Up
gcaserotti: Shelf Lables
gcaserotti: Literacise
gcaserotti: Literacise
gcaserotti: DSCN2172
gcaserotti: Little Tykes
gcaserotti: board book labels
gcaserotti: Shelf Signs
gcaserotti: DSCN2177
gcaserotti: Volumes and volumes of reference books
gcaserotti: Goverment Docs
gcaserotti: Boston sunrise
gcaserotti: Kiera Parrott and Andrew Clements
gcaserotti: The Ala MidWinter Exhibits
gcaserotti: The ALA MidWinter Exhibits
gcaserotti: Entrance to the Boston Public Library
gcaserotti: the MicroText room
gcaserotti: Literacise
gcaserotti: someone needed a timeout?
gcaserotti: A relic
gcaserotti: Footsteps in the Courtyard
gcaserotti: Boston Public Library
gcaserotti: Boston, MA
gcaserotti: The Boston Chart House