hammersbox: The Surfboard galaxy, M108
hammersbox: M95 and M96
hammersbox: Spindle galaxy, M102
hammersbox: The Cigar Galaxy, M82
hammersbox: The Cat’s Eye Galaxy: M94
hammersbox: The Leo Triplet: M65, M66 and NGC3628
hammersbox: The Owl Nebula: M97
hammersbox: The Black Eye Galaxy: M64
hammersbox: The Dumbbell Nebula: M27
hammersbox: The Ring Nebula: M57
hammersbox: Globular cluster in Hercules: M92
hammersbox: Barred spiral galaxy in Ursa Major: M109
hammersbox: Markarian's Chain: M84 and M86
hammersbox: The Sunflower Galaxy: M63
hammersbox: Globular cluster in Hercules: M13
hammersbox: Seyfert galaxy in Canes Venatici: M106
hammersbox: The Pinwheel galaxy: M101
hammersbox: Bode's galaxy: M81
hammersbox: The Whirlpool galaxy: M51
hammersbox: M36 and M38 star clusters, Flaming star and Tadpole nebulae
hammersbox: M35 star cluster, Monkey head and Jellyfish nebulae
hammersbox: Orion Nebula: M42 ...during a break in the clouds