Hamid.A: In green
Hamid.A: Too much bags!
Hamid.A: Bottles
Hamid.A: Reading crappy news paper
Hamid.A: Waiting for the train
Hamid.A: Forgotten people
Hamid.A: Buying cards
Hamid.A: WTH happened to this door
Hamid.A: Watching soccer on Bay street
Hamid.A: Early in the lobby
Hamid.A: Homeless style
Hamid.A: Monday Morning's Attitude
Hamid.A: Down the escalator
Hamid.A: in the train
Hamid.A: Early in the train
Hamid.A: Sleepless
Hamid.A: The Hat
Hamid.A: Deep in thoughts
Hamid.A: Here comes the train
Hamid.A: Reading, Just looking, what a long dayyy!!
Hamid.A: Up the escalator and sun shine
Hamid.A: Beware of the big ball!
Hamid.A: In North York Center
Hamid.A: Up there, Down here
Hamid.A: In pink