Hameem Shakhawat:
"Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?" Pointless, really... "Do the stars gaze back?" Now that's a question. MBC '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
"Can you save me? Will you be my Mountain..?"
Hameem Shakhawat:
"I want to be where your bare foot walks..."Deurali '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
তোমাকে ছুঁতে চায় আমার অবাধ্য সাহস! Deurali '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
এ ভ্রমণ আর কিছু নয়, কেবল তুমির কাছে যাওয়া... Chhomrong '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
কটা নির্ঘুম রাত, আর কয় আকাশ তারা এনে তোমার পায়ে লুটালে, আজ আসবে তুমি কাছে।। Machhapuchhre Base Camp '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
Everything, right at this moment, is perfect. Is mesmerizing. Machhapuchhre '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
খুব কাছেই আছি আমি, তোর ইচ্ছে হলে ডাকিস।। Phewa Lake '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
"I loved him for a very long time and he has been my only true romance, obsession and passion ... I believed he was my only true love and my soul mate who I can never forget." - Deurali '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
You. yes you, made me feel humble, like a beggar, just lucky to be here at all, even briefly. MBC '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
“To awaken quite alone in a strange parallel universe is the priceless moment to a time traveler!” - Interstellar Dovan '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
When I am with you, we stay up all night. When you're not here, I can't go to sleep. Praise God for those two insomnias! And the difference between them... - Rumi Chhomrong '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
"তোমার একটা নাম থাকুক আমার দেয়া, মেঘের মেয়ে, নদী কিংবা জলজ খেয়া, আমার দেয়া একখানা নাম তোমার থাকুক, না হয় আমি হারিয়ে গেলেও, একলা একা সন্ধ্যা তারা, সেই নামেই তোমায় ডাকুক।" Chomrong '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
'I used to be shy, you made me sing!' - Hafiz of Paris. Deurali '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
If you look at anything for long enough, it becomes beautiful. - IST
Hameem Shakhawat:
Deurali '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
"There is a moment between a glance and a kiss, where the world stops. For the briefest of time." Ghandruk '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
"Beyond what we wish and what we fear may happen, we have another life, as clear and free as a mountain steam." - Rumi Deurali '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
The only thing worse than not having your dream come true is having it come true for a little while. - One Last Thing Before I Go Chhomrong '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
"....প্রেম ধীরে মুছে যায়, নক্ষত্রেরও একদিন মরে যেতে হয়..." - Chhomrong '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
খুঁজতে গিয়ে তোমায়, দেখি পালক পাড়ে আছে। - D.A. Kyumi '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
Look at the stars. It won't fix the economy. It won't stop wars. It won't give you flat abs, or even help you figure out your relationship. But it's important. It helps you to remember that you and your problems are both infinitesimally small and converse
Hameem Shakhawat:
Time-lapses taken from Ghandruk to MBC during ABC trek '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
But where is this gathering? - I don't know, my little angel But do the others know? - No, they don't know either How can you go to a gathering without knowing where it is? - It suffices to walk, just walk. Those who are invited will find the way. - Rumi
Hameem Shakhawat:
"তারপর একদিন হয়ত জানা যাবে বা হয়ত জানা যাবে না,যে তোমার সঙ্গে আমার অথবা আমার সঙ্গে তোমার আর দেখা হবে না।"- Deurali '18
Hameem Shakhawat:
"Tell me...how did he die?" "I will tell you how he lived"
Hameem Shakhawat:
"come to my roof my beloved so i can steal a glance at you" Deurali '18