Hameem Shakhawat: Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent
Hameem Shakhawat: Even god cannot make two mountains without a valley in between
Hameem Shakhawat: moments in between
Hameem Shakhawat: blue haze...
Hameem Shakhawat: We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey
Hameem Shakhawat: the last supper
Hameem Shakhawat: The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone
Hameem Shakhawat: the mountain rider I
Hameem Shakhawat: head in the clouds
Hameem Shakhawat: where the mountain have no name
Hameem Shakhawat: Become the sky, Take an axe to the prison wall, Escape..
Hameem Shakhawat: Pine Forest