hambox: on the way to camp
hambox: ours was the davinci cabin
hambox: 7:30am improv warmup, day 1
hambox: 7:30am improv warmup, day 1
hambox: 7:30am improv warmup, day 1
hambox: 7:30am improv warmup, day 1
hambox: 7:30am improv warmup, day 1
hambox: 7:30am improv warmup, day 1
hambox: mosaic dog
hambox: sometimes it feels like...
hambox: rules rules rules
hambox: keep your eye on the target, hambox
hambox: trying not to pierce any humans
hambox: archers
hambox: proprietor of the target shack
hambox: archers
hambox: hot hoops
hambox: let's all go to the shack
hambox: tar-jhay
hambox: basketball heroes
hambox: archers
hambox: archers
hambox: ax me no questions har
hambox: Triumph! Didn't kill anyone with the ax!
hambox: Noble Brendan (2)
hambox: Noble Brendan
hambox: Noble Chris
hambox: Noble Drew
hambox: IMG_0803
hambox: IMG_0804