hambox: before!
hambox: before!
hambox: before!
hambox: before!
hambox: before!
hambox: before!
hambox: before!
hambox: disgusting carpeting IN THE BATHROOM
hambox: i'm not a neat freak, just a freak
hambox: painted vanity, new hardware
hambox: steam
hambox: can't get it out
hambox: ew
hambox: the first strike against carpeted bathrooms
hambox: i get to use a crowbar!
hambox: carpet ripup
hambox: i took out the medicine cabinet, ew
hambox: endless paint prep
hambox: what was under the carpet
hambox: dancing feet -- no more carpet
hambox: what have i gotten myself into
hambox: casualty -- painters tape sometimes does not work
hambox: goodbye lino
hambox: carla and jeanie get destructo
hambox: carla and jeanie get destructo
hambox: carla and jeanie get destructo
hambox: adhesive on my feet
hambox: appalled by how messy tiling is
hambox: looka me i'm tiling
hambox: Bathroom redesign -- the floor