hambox: on what planet...
hambox: sespe hike april 2011
hambox: GO RED SOX
hambox: sespe hike april 2011
hambox: sespe hike april 2011
hambox: sespe hike april 2011
hambox: heh heh
hambox: sespe hike april 2011
hambox: sespe hike april 2011
hambox: we are singing that hills-are-alive song
hambox: hat and hat head
hambox: annie, foot, and underwater camera
hambox: oh great buddha
hambox: sespe hike april 2011
hambox: more underwater camera experimentation
hambox: sespe hike april 2011
hambox: fun with the underwater camera
hambox: Froggy dude
hambox: I'm kissing a frog!
hambox: We love the prep area for the kayak company - fancy carpet!
hambox: matchy matchy
hambox: wetsuit, lifevest, helmet -- um, what am i getting into, exactly?
hambox: kayak trip to santa cruz april 2011
hambox: kayak trip to santa cruz april 2011
hambox: kayak trip to santa cruz april 2011
hambox: kayak trip to santa cruz april 2011
hambox: the failure of the waterproof camera makes mark arty
hambox: kayak trip to santa cruz april 2011
hambox: the failure of the waterproof camera makes annie arty
hambox: the water was this color for real