hambox: Gwen and Shana in the blazing October sun
hambox: My future home
hambox: Ow my eye
hambox: James is a man with a mission
hambox: Hi! We're pumpkins!
hambox: squoosh
hambox: All I want for Christmas..
hambox: Third eye guy
hambox: Gwen works on Cyclops Lady
hambox: My pumpkin guy
hambox: Power tool
hambox: Glitter Skullz
hambox: Three of the mob
hambox: Why? Because we're 12.
hambox: Menfolk guarding the homestead
hambox: Menfolks' nostrils
hambox: We don't cotton to strangers round here
hambox: We mean it: get out of here, you varmint
hambox: Reno 911
hambox: Talia doing some ANTM poses
hambox: Talia doing some ANTM poses
hambox: Becky doing an ANTM pose
hambox: Why? Because we're 12.
hambox: Why? Because we're 12.
hambox: Kyle strikes some ANTM poses
hambox: Kyle strikes some ANTM poses
hambox: Halo Kyle
hambox: Armitages
hambox: Jack and Luke, 3.5 years
hambox: Not holding hands!