hambox: Unexpected Productions
hambox: space needle bad shot
hambox: space needle bad shot
hambox: space needle bad shot
hambox: space needle bad shot
hambox: view from space needle
hambox: needle
hambox: Cloudy
hambox: zen zen zen zen zen
hambox: all up in our zen
hambox: Jeff the Zen master
hambox: Rama finds the camera and strikes a pose
hambox: Jeff the Zen master
hambox: We're all zen and shit
hambox: Bodhi Dharma, the most badass monk ever
hambox: My roommate, Felipe AKA "the Colombian"
hambox: Stop it.
hambox: That fucking gum wall
hambox: Street art outside of theatre
hambox: Narboo art in the alley
hambox: Narboo art in Market Alley
hambox: Warming up
hambox: David Wahl!
hambox: The space needle is NOT growing out of my head
hambox: Shakespeare at the troll -- that's my cringing face
hambox: Everyone should have a space needle growing from their head
hambox: I am so angry at that word below the shoe
hambox: Guy using a grabby thing to change the marquee
hambox: The first and last time I'll ever type STEAMPUNK