hambox: humpback mama and baby, really
hambox: i swear there was a humpback's fluke right THERE
hambox: containerized freight!
hambox: awesome blacksmith's door at the old scorpion ranch
hambox: annie looking eerily like mom
hambox: timmy?
hambox: me in a hole
hambox: he's tall and he walks fast
hambox: scorpion anchorage
hambox: scorpion anchorage
hambox: scorpion anchorage
hambox: start of the hike above scorpion anchorage
hambox: again with the cliff
hambox: again with the cute
hambox: i like taking pictures of the ground
hambox: volcanic stuff?
hambox: annie and her teeny, tiny mark
hambox: I called this "devil's vagina"
hambox: guano?
hambox: face in the rock
hambox: kelpie
hambox: succulents
hambox: weird pods
hambox: aren't they cute?
hambox: watch your step
hambox: long way down
hambox: trailing a raven
hambox: purple branch
hambox: Annie in the weird white moonie landscape
hambox: Bees in the ground! EEEEK!