hambox: Step one: wash face, smile for the camera
hambox: Step Two: Punch yourself in the face
hambox: Step Three: Gettting lifted
hambox: Step Four: Bandages
hambox: Step Five: Get a boob job, wear a housecoat
hambox: Don't mess with mother nature, dammit
hambox: IMG_4415.JPG
hambox: Step Two: Punch yourself in the face
hambox: IMG_4420.JPG
hambox: Step Four: Bandages
hambox: IMG_4426.JPG
hambox: Scary facelift lady and her doctor
hambox: Scary facelift lady and a naughty Pippi
hambox: Peace and Love
hambox: Talia talks, Travis interprets
hambox: Gary Best
hambox: Ventura Improv Company
hambox: IMG_4487.JPG
hambox: Talia Todd