hambox: Henry and Water
hambox: Henry
hambox: Danny
hambox: Water
hambox: peace protest in ventura
hambox: R&A Club
hambox: Lindsay Insurance
hambox: One fancy penguin
hambox: Like the beads
hambox: The struggle to be free
hambox: Peekaboo!
hambox: My bitchin' 1992 Nissan at 10am this morning
hambox: Larry is a wha?
hambox: Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich is Delicious
hambox: Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich is Delicious
hambox: Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich is Delicious
hambox: Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich is Delicious
hambox: Smile!
hambox: Old ice house, Telegraph Road in Ventura
hambox: Old ice house, Telegraph Road in Ventura
hambox: Old ice house, Telegraph Road in Ventura
hambox: Foster's Freeze guy
hambox: Santino's
hambox: Barber Shop
hambox: Dee is a Man at the Grill
hambox: Jim takes his new barbecue on its maiden voyage
hambox: Jim and Katherine's brand new grill
hambox: Jim and Katherine's view
hambox: Mr. M at the window
hambox: Fourth of July Yeah!