ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0001-Farm West of Burlington,VT
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0002-Farm West of Burlington,VT
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0003-Farm West of Burlington,VT
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0006-Farm West of Burlington,VT
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0007-Farm West of Burlington,VT
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0008-front porch
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0009-front poch
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0010-barn along Rt 15
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0012-Farm West of Burlington,VT
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0013-Farm West of Burlington,VT
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0015-road side store
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0016-road side store
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0017-covered bridge
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0020-view along Rt 15
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0021-01-view along Rt 15 West of Burlington,VT
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0022-dairy farm
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0024-entering Jeffersonville,VT
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0025-main street
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0027-Smugglers Notch Inn,Jeffersonville
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0028-mobile studio
ehsmith1 - Harold (on Flickr): DSC_0029-Visions of Vermont Art Gallery sign