haloform: teresa and lebowski
haloform: puttin' my damn boots on
haloform: L'Tron Thunder makes an appearance
haloform: seriously
haloform: C. Grant and Miss T
haloform: this is our awesome girl band picture
haloform: Me and J Hart
haloform: awwww
haloform: Teresa and Jana
haloform: the holcombes
haloform: Chris and Chris
haloform: oh yeah
haloform: dude... what?
haloform: uhhhm
haloform: natalia and johnny
haloform: doin' what we do
haloform: yeahhhhh that's right
haloform: yikes
haloform: The Grants
haloform: joel and some cute girl
haloform: band photo, part 2?
haloform: band photo?
haloform: band photo, part the third?
haloform: dudes
haloform: might be about to wrestle
haloform: me, teresa, and jana
haloform: oh yeah
haloform: gettin' down with G-rant
haloform: dancing