Halloween HJB: ARNOUX, Guy. Chez Françoise, Première Cuisinière de France, 1939.
Halloween HJB: AURIOL, George. Menu du Chat Noir.
Halloween HJB: BOAC Monarch Service Menu & Wine List, c. 1950s.
Halloween HJB: CADIZ, Mario. Menu of La Rotonde, Paris, 1925.
Halloween HJB: CHOUBRAC, Alfred. Th. Des Menus-Plaisirs, "Le Fétiche", operette, Musique de Victor Roger, c. 1890s.
Halloween HJB: Café Schottenhaml Am Tiergarten, Berlin, c. 1930s.
Halloween HJB: EDOUARDE. The Blackhawk Restaurant, Chicago, c. 1920s.
Halloween HJB: EDOUARDÉ. The Blackhawk Restaurant
Halloween HJB: Frolics Bar and Restaurant, Salisbury Beach, Mass., c. 1950s.
Halloween HJB: GRAUS. Iberia In-Flight Menu, 1960s.
Halloween HJB: Grand Hotel Menu, Paris, 1895
Halloween HJB: Hotel Continental, Paris, 1890s.
Halloween HJB: Hotel Quirinal, Rome, 1890.
Halloween HJB: KRIVENKO, Vassily Sil'vestrovich, ed. [dinner menu 1], Les Solennités du Saint Couronnement, 1899
Halloween HJB: KRIVENKO, Vassily Sil'vestrovich, ed. [dinner menu 2], Les Solennités du Saint Couronnement, 1899
Halloween HJB: KRIVENKO, Vassily Sil'vestrovich, ed. [dinner menu 3], Les Solennités du Saint Couronnement, 1899
Halloween HJB: LEPAPE, Georges. 🇫🇷 Couverture pour un menu du Savoy Hotel.
Halloween HJB: LINGENBRINK, Arthur. Clark's Salad Bowl, Seattle, 1943.
Halloween HJB: LÓPEZ RUBIO, Francisco. Gente Menuda, Suplemento Infantil de "Blanco y Negro", Jan. 15, 1933.
Halloween HJB: LÉVY, Charles. Menus Plaisirs, Emilienne d'Alençon, c. 1890s.
Halloween HJB: MEZENTSOV, I. A. Menu of the Highest Dinner for the Highest Civil Officials in the Hall of the Women’s Gymnasium in Kutais, given during the trip of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna to the Caucasus, Oct. 13, 1888.
Halloween HJB: MEZENTSOV. Dinner menu for a visit from the Tsar, 1888.
Halloween HJB: MEZENTSOV. Menu, Oct. 6, 1888.
Halloween HJB: MUCHA, Alfons Maria. Menu Card, c. 1900
Halloween HJB: Menu du 5 Avril 1897
Halloween HJB: Menu from the Coronation Feast of Tsar Aleksandr III and Tsaritsa Maria Feodorovna, May 1883.
Halloween HJB: Menu, Lyons & Co., Piccadilly Hotel, Paris.
Halloween HJB: NIELSEN, Kay. Saute-Menu, 1925.
Halloween HJB: Odeon Café, San Francisco, 1908.
Halloween HJB: PRICE, Elsie S. J. Lyons Popular State Cafe, Manchester, New Year's Eve, 1920.