Halloween HJB: DANVERS, Verney L. Secure Industrial Property, Vote Labour.
Halloween HJB: TÉLLEZ, Aristo. 🇦🇷 9 de julio, Independencia política y económica.
Halloween HJB: DALRYMPLE, Louis. High Tide of Immigration —A National Menace, 1903.
Halloween HJB: ALVAREZ, Eduardo. Caras y Caretas, Torneo de las Naciones, Aug. 1939
Halloween HJB: SANGER, William. American Labor Party, Roosevelt and Lehman, c. 1930s.
Halloween HJB: LOEB, Mitchell. Fight Nazism and Fascism, c. 1940s.
Halloween HJB: Labor Stands for all who Work! Vote Labor.
Halloween HJB: Fair Play for Women, Vote Liberal, c. 1920s.
Halloween HJB: The Man with a Heart, The Party with a Soul, Vote Straight Democratic, 1940.
Halloween HJB: MILLER, C.X.A. We're Fighting to Prevent This, c. 1940s
Halloween HJB: Crown of Comfort (British Liberal Party poster), 1910.
Halloween HJB: Obrero ayer oprimido, Hoy dignificado, 1º de mayo (The Worker, Oppressed Yesterday, Dignified Today), c. 1940s.
Halloween HJB: VEBER, Jean. Le hochet de la République, 1903.
Halloween HJB: VEBER, Jean. "La discussion politique", 1904.
Halloween HJB: VEBER, Jean. Caricature of Kaiser Wilhelm II as the Goddess Kali (Goddess of Destruction).
Halloween HJB: GRONOWSKI. Odparcia Najazdu Rosji Sowieckiej, 1930
Halloween HJB: HARDING ANDREWS, E. J. Coming in with the Tide-Womens Suffrage
Halloween HJB: WINTER, W. F. Votes for Workers
Halloween HJB: Americanization Day, Many Peoples — but One Nation
Halloween HJB: ÁLVAREZ MORENO. ¡A las armas! El deber no admite disculpas, c. 1936.
Halloween HJB: IGUMNOV, Sergei. We Will Eradicate the Spies and Saboteurs, the Trotskyite-Bukharinist Agents of Fascism, 1937.
Halloween HJB: Latvijas naudu tikai par Latvijas ražojumiem, c. 1929.
Halloween HJB: Auf dem Dreck, aus Not und Seid hilft das "Ja" beim Volksentscheid, c. 1920s
Halloween HJB: Los Derechos Políticos de la Mujer, "La mujer uruguaya no tiene derechos"
Halloween HJB: LÄUBI, Hugo. Impôt Fédéral Direct, Oui!, 1918.
Halloween HJB: William McKinley campaign poster, 1900.
Halloween HJB: KEPPLER, Udo. "All eyes are on you, Mr. President", Puck Magazine, 1913.
Halloween HJB: HAHN, Albert. Stemt Rood! Kiest de Kandidaten der Soc. Dem. Arb. Partij, 1918.
Halloween HJB: HAHN, Albert. Teekent het Joodsche Volkspetitionement, c. 1918
Halloween HJB: HAHN, Albert. Het nieuwe offensief, Doodendans, 1915