Halloween HJB: DODGE, William de Leftwich (1867-1935). Femme aux Oranges, Le Figaro Illustré
Halloween HJB: DODGE, William de Leftwich. Le Figaro Illustré, May 1900
Halloween HJB: DODGE, William de Leftwich. Success Magazine, Easter, April 1902.
Halloween HJB: DODGE, William de Leftwich. Success, Aug. 1908
Halloween HJB: DODGE, William de Leftwich. 🇺🇸 Guinevere, 1910.
Halloween HJB: DODGE, William de Leftwich. 🇺🇸 Le Figaro Illustré, N° 98, May 1898.
Halloween HJB: DODGE, William de Leftwich. 🇺🇸 Motor Boating, Nov. 1917.
Halloween HJB: DODGE, William de Leftwich. "La Dame Blanche" from The Great Operas, 1899.
Halloween HJB: DODGE, William de Leftwich. "William Tell, Act III, Scene III" from The Great Operas, 1899.
Halloween HJB: DODGE, William de Leftwich. "Queen of Sheba, Act IV, Scene X" from The Great Operas, 1899.
Halloween HJB: DODGE, William de Leftwich. "Figaro"...from The Great Operas- Romantic Legends Upon Which the Masters of Song Have founded Their Famous Lyrical Compositions, 1899.
Halloween HJB: DODGE, William de Leftwich. Cover Design of the Book of the Hour, The Defenders of Democracy, c. 1917.