Halloween HJB: 1001 Nights, Cover of German edition, c. 1890s
Halloween HJB: ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Three and the Moon, Legendary Stories of Old Brittany, Normandy and Provence by Jacques Dorey, 1929.
Halloween HJB: BAUER, John. Swedish Folk Tales [Giant], 1909
Halloween HJB: BESTALL, Alfred. Rupert in More Adventures
Halloween HJB: BOCK, Vera. Cover of Little Magic Horse, A Russian Tale by Peter Ershoff, 1942
Halloween HJB: BOHÈME. Les Bouges de Paris, c. 1895.
Halloween HJB: BRADLEY, Will. When Hearts are Trumps by Tom Hall.
Halloween HJB: BRUNDAGE, Frances. Little Red Riding Hood, 1929
Halloween HJB: Book cover for La mujer, el amante y el marido by Antonio de Hoyos y Vinent, c. 1920s
Halloween HJB: Buffalo Bill! The Buckskin King or the Amazon of the West, London
Halloween HJB: CALVO, Edmond-François. Mr. Loyal présente..., animaux, boniments, cabrioles, 1946.
Halloween HJB: CALVO, Edmond-François. La Bête est Morte, La Guerre Mondiale Chez les Animaux, 1944.
Halloween HJB: CASPEL, Johann Georg van. De Schoone Slaapster in het Bosch.
Halloween HJB: COVARRUBIAS, Miguel. The Weary Blues by Langston Hughes, 1931
Halloween HJB: CRANE, Walter. Bluebeard, Walter Crane's Toy Books, cover, 1873
Halloween HJB: CRANE, Walter. Flowers from Shakespeare's Garden, A Posy from the Plays-1, 1909
Halloween HJB: CUCHY ARNAU, José. Cárceles y presidios de Europa por Luque de la Peña, 1898.
Halloween HJB: CUE, Harold. Whither by Dawn Powell, 1925.
Halloween HJB: DAUGHERTY, James. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, 1947
Halloween HJB: DAUGHERTY, James. Poor Richard, 1941.
Halloween HJB: DENSLOW, W. W. (William Wallace). Denslow's Humpty Dumpty, 1903.
Halloween HJB: DENSLOW, William Wallace. Little Red Riding Hood, 1903.
Halloween HJB: DOEVE, Eppo. [Book Cover] Verhalen uit de Toekomst van Isaac Asimov
Halloween HJB: ESTÉVEZ OCHOA, Enrique. Soledad la Hija del Amor por Hugo de América, Nº 11, 1920.
Halloween HJB: FREEDMAN, Barnett. ‘Love’ by Walter de la Mare, 1943
Halloween HJB: FREEDMAN, Barnett. ‘Memoirs of an Infantry Officer’ by Siegfried Sasson, 1941
Halloween HJB: GERBAULT, Henri. ABC de Pierrot, 1899.
Halloween HJB: GIGNOUX, L. L'Homme au Capuchon Gris, 1897.
Halloween HJB: GRANT, Vernon. "Vernon Grant's Mother Goose".
Halloween HJB: GRANT, Vernon. Tinker Tim, the Toy Maker, 1934