Halloween HJB:
"My Egyptian Maids", B.E. Forrester presents Yorke & Adams in the musical comedy success Bankers and brokers by Aaron Hoffman, 1906.
Halloween HJB:
"Riesin Sofia", Seit Menschengedenken, Das grösste Weib der Erde, c. 1923
Halloween HJB:
"Venedig in Wien", Frau Reclame, Ballet-Operette.
Halloween HJB:
8 Bells, "Losing the 'Jonah'", A Nautical Pantomimic Comedy, 1891.
Halloween HJB:
A. M. Palmer's Company, "Trilby".
Halloween HJB:
ALAJALOV, Constantin. "Noel Coward's Blithe Spirit.", 1941.
Halloween HJB:
ANDREASEN, Axel. Dagmarteatret Opfører hver aften Pygmalion, Verdens Sukces, 1914.
Halloween HJB:
ASENSI, Amadeu and Rafael CASERES. Paco Reyes presenta su Ballet Teatro, 1941.
Halloween HJB:
Across the Trail, A Gorgeous, Scenic, Mechanical and Natural Production, "Come on you Varmints, Come On!", 1897.
Halloween HJB:
Ad for Harry Kellar Magic Show, 1894
Halloween HJB:
Adam Forepaugh & Sells Brothers, Enormous Shows Combined
Halloween HJB:
Adelaide Herrmann and Company, Hindoo Magic, c. 1900.
Halloween HJB:
Aida, Hippodrome Opera Co., Otis Lithograph Co., c. 1908.
Halloween HJB:
Aladdin, Creber, Plymouth
Halloween HJB:
Alcazar d'Été, Valti, tous les soirs, c. 1890s.
Halloween HJB:
Alexander, Crystal Seer Sees Your Life from the Cradle to the Grave, 1915.
Halloween HJB:
Alexander, The Man Who Knows, 1915.
Halloween HJB:
Alexander, The Man Who Knows.
Halloween HJB:
Alhambra Le Fils de la Nuit, Drame en 8 Tableaux, c. 1902.
Halloween HJB:
Anna Pavlova and her Ballet Russe with Symphony Orchestra, Pittsburgh, c. 1910
Halloween HJB:
Apollo Variété, Eröffnung, Wien, Sept. 1, 1904
Halloween HJB:
Ara. Zebra & Vora's Latest Novelty, The Miracle Workers of Asmara.
Halloween HJB:
Austria, Salzburg Festival Plays, 1931.
Halloween HJB:
B.E. Forrester presents Yorke & Adams in the musical comedy success Bankers and brokers by Aaron Hoffman, 1906.
Halloween HJB:
BAC, F. Ambassadeurs, Tous les Soirs, Yvette Guilbert, 1895.
Halloween HJB:
BARRÈRE, Adrien. Tournees Frederic Achard. Grand Succes La Marmotte. Vaudeville en 3 Acts de M.M. Antony Mars & Xanrof, c. 1905
Halloween HJB:
BERNARD, Édouard-Alexandre. Mayol (Maquette), c. 1916.
Halloween HJB:
BERTRAND, Émile. Cendrillon, Musique de Jules Massenet.
Halloween HJB:
BOANO, Giuseppe. Teatro Regio, Torino, 1898.
Halloween HJB:
BONNOTTE, L. Une Étoile Répète..., Le Sourire magazine, c. 1920s