Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. [Three-Headed Dragon], c. 1920s.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Ad for Shell X-100 Motor Oil, 1951.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Aesop's Fables, 1933.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Alcoa Sails the Caribbean, Trinidad, 1949.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Alcoa Sails the Caribbean, Venezuela, 1949.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Anxiety-Frustration-Repressed Hostility, 1947.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Bermuda by Clipper, Pan Am, 1949.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Cupid and Psyche, c. 1920s.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. King Douda, from the book “Seven Simeons- A Russian Tale,” 1937.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Seven Simeons, 1937.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. The Line Book, 1929.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. “Melancholia”, from Neurotica, 1934.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. “The Gwolphs of Saturn”, 1946.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. "Kremlin Courier", Time Magazine, Sept. 17, 1951
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. "The Telephone Man", Time Magazine, Feb. 23, 1959
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Alcoa Sails the Caribbean, 1948.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. American Artist cover, Oct. 1947.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. As I See, "Executive of the Future", 1954.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. As I See, "Manic-Depressive", 1954.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. As I See, "Origin of Flying Saucers", 1954.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. As I See, "Repressed Hostility", 1954.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. As I See, "Schizophrenia", 1954.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. As I See, [hands fighting, 1949], 1954.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. As I See, cover, 1954.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Cover of The Simple Art of Murder by Raymond Chandler, 1950.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Fabled Voyages, Bizarre Findings of Lunar Fiction [detail], 1958.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Funny Bone Alley, Ballyboo, 1927.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Jazzman Dave Brubeck, 1954.
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Kazbek Beauty Products, 1923
Halloween HJB:
ARTZYBASHEFF, Boris. Machinalia.