Halloween HJB:
"A Biscuit of Pure Rubber", Waterman's Two-Tone Ripple-Rubber Pens and Pencils, c. 1920s.
Halloween HJB:
"A Sensational New Pen!", Waterman's Hundred Year Pen, Guaranteed for a Century, Dec. 1939.
Halloween HJB:
"Asterope" La nuova creazione Aurora, c. 1930s.
Halloween HJB:
"Das Traditions-Geschenk aus guten Zeiten: der echte Montblanc Füllhalter, poster by Walter SCHNACKENBERG, 1949.
Halloween HJB:
"For School Life or Life's School", Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, 1910.
Halloween HJB:
"He says 'Be sure and get a Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen before you start. It's the one indispensable vacation companion'", c. 1910s.
Halloween HJB:
"In tutto il mondo... la Parker "51" è preferita", c. 1940s.
Halloween HJB:
"Le stylo qui marche", Gold Starry, 100% français, 1943.
Halloween HJB:
"Mostrami come scrivi e ti dirò chi sei...", Pelikan come regalo di alta classe, c. 1950s.
Halloween HJB:
"Penna Aurora" agli Ufficioli d'Italia, c. 1930s.
Halloween HJB:
"Penna Aurora", Torino, 1924.
Halloween HJB:
"Pick Your Pen Point by Color", Waterman's Number Seven.
Halloween HJB:
"Pleasing Hues Give Added Charm to Fine Craftsmanship", "Swan" Pens, Oct. 21, 1931.
Halloween HJB:
"Quality and Simplicity", Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, 1909.
Halloween HJB:
"Schon sien Grossvater war berühmt", Soennecken Füllhalter, 1953.
Halloween HJB:
"Swan", "Chaque Plume est Garantie", 1919.
Halloween HJB:
"Sólo lo Mejor de Sheaffer's lleva este Símbolo de Distinción, 1948.
Halloween HJB:
"Take Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen for Convenience Sake", c. 1910s.
Halloween HJB:
"The Gift of Smoother Writing", Waterman's, c. 1940s.
Halloween HJB:
"The Present of the moment", Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, 1920.
Halloween HJB:
"The Transformation, From the implements of war to the implement of peace", Parker Lucky Curve Safety-Sealed Fountain Pens, 1919.
Halloween HJB:
"The new generation of Pendom's finest", Sheaffer's New Lifetime Triumph Pen.
Halloween HJB:
"Un nouveau flacon vraiment pratique..." JiF Encre Ideal Waterman, 1935.
Halloween HJB:
"Used by Officers and Men in all Branches of the Service", Parker Lucky Curve, Safety-Sealed Fountain Pens, c. 1918.
Halloween HJB:
"Vous exigez... Qualité", JiF Waterman-Patrician, 1934.
Halloween HJB:
"Wie gestochen ist das Schriftbild der Kaweco Füllhalter", 1940.
Halloween HJB:
"Write Him Today!", Waterman's Commando, c. 1940s.
Halloween HJB:
"You'll be Sor-ry if you don't get an Eversharp", Skyline, 1942.
Halloween HJB:
"à l'avant comme à l'arrière", JiF Waterman, 1940.
Halloween HJB:
... It's so easy to write with a Conklin, Cushion Point Pens.