Half Chinese:
How does McDonalds spell their name wrong?
Half Chinese:
No Guns, no knifes, all Half Chinese
Half Chinese:
Old Kodak
Half Chinese:
Half Chinese:
Wayne getting some money.
Half Chinese:
The Goddess of Piano
Half Chinese:
Concrete mixing trucks are exempt.
Half Chinese:
Half Chinese:
Uh oh.
Half Chinese:
Hugo Boss...ugo oss...go oss..ss.ss.s.s.s
Half Chinese:
Axe deoderant sign
Half Chinese:
Pump #2 oil only
Half Chinese:
Ready......set.....EAT!!! GO!!!
Half Chinese:
A tag that went over most peoples heads.
Half Chinese:
Half Chinese:
I am part white
Half Chinese:
Also Good for Mules and Jackasses!!!!
Half Chinese:
Wake up with the king
Half Chinese:
Spoonbread exterior.
Half Chinese:
Locked door.
Half Chinese:
Cathedral Parkway Towers Preschool and Medium security prison.
Half Chinese:
Be Yourself
Half Chinese:
Half Chinese:
Attacca String Quartet
Half Chinese:
Half Chinese:
Knight-cap! HAHAHAHA...I'm sorry.
Half Chinese:
New advertisement
Half Chinese:
Governors meet...for some pizza!!
Half Chinese:
Walk? Yeungling?
Half Chinese:
Snow bike for sale.