Half Chinese: My best Harry Carry impression.
Half Chinese: Tangentialism, Half Chinese, Kenyee
Half Chinese: Me and Ken
Half Chinese: My dad and my goofy hat
Half Chinese: Ken gating it up.
Half Chinese: mmm...woodsy.
Half Chinese: Chikalicious pose.
Half Chinese: Please wait for your car inside yellow lines
Half Chinese: Dancing
Half Chinese: David Yawns for 6 seconds on his birthday
Half Chinese: Haircut Father
Half Chinese: Ken takes the wave
Half Chinese: Grrrihop?
Half Chinese: Ken Flickring
Half Chinese: Barber Shop
Half Chinese: Free Hot Towel Massage
Half Chinese: Tangentialism
Half Chinese: Resting
Half Chinese: Kirk and the Hissing Cockroach
Half Chinese: Kirk....3-D
Half Chinese: Spectacular.
Half Chinese: David vs. Ken
Half Chinese: Psych-out dance
Half Chinese: Sisters