haldechick: Sharon and Chris
haldechick: We'll cross that bridge when...
haldechick: Lake Alice
haldechick: Moss and windows
haldechick: Waiting for the warmth
haldechick: The Center
haldechick: Bees!
haldechick: You know I have to take a ceiling shot
haldechick: Cheesecake for Sharon
haldechick: Shades of yellow
haldechick: I bet she didn't know I was taking this
haldechick: Hey, great shawls!
haldechick: Making beautiful music
haldechick: Wood and windows
haldechick: Lovely view
haldechick: Taking a break
haldechick: Weave in those ends, knitta!
haldechick: About to enter
haldechick: Waiting for the bride
haldechick: Here comes the bride
haldechick: The ceremony
haldechick: Tof and Nikki read
haldechick: The happy couple
haldechick: Chris and Sharon
haldechick: Sharon, the Officiant with the Mostest
haldechick: Sweeties!
haldechick: The beauty of branches
haldechick: Sunlight and trees
haldechick: Group shot
haldechick: The other side of the shawls