haldechick: I could sit here forever
haldechick: Garden view
haldechick: The view from the Pinta
haldechick: I'm not the only one who photographs bathrooms, right?
haldechick: The Pinta is the best room
haldechick: Not a bad view at all
haldechick: Hello, room!
haldechick: More stairs? After that lighthouse?
haldechick: No moleste!
haldechick: Sock meets fried fish & chips
haldechick: Old Schoolhouse
haldechick: Mill Top
haldechick: Vanilla caramel pecan fudge
haldechick: Blue skies
haldechick: College
haldechick: The luxury of being away
haldechick: My corner of heaven
haldechick: Rockers
haldechick: This is the life
haldechick: Garden view
haldechick: Thirty rows to go
haldechick: Ice cream bowls as big as my head
haldechick: Three out of four
haldechick: The sound of relaxing
haldechick: Fishy, fishy, fishy, fish
haldechick: Make a wish
haldechick: Almost time for...
haldechick: Yellow
haldechick: Late afternoon light
haldechick: Oh, look, I found some yarn!