bigred550m: Woodstock VT Road
bigred550m: Dirt road VT
bigred550m: Over the covered bridge
bigred550m: Downtown Woodstock, VT
bigred550m: Zebra?
bigred550m: Great antique shop
bigred550m: This building is 10 years old... go figure
bigred550m: Nice barn
bigred550m: Awesome house
bigred550m: Classic!
bigred550m: Gina at the MWH
bigred550m: Fox on the side of the road
bigred550m: On Jacob's ladder
bigred550m: View from the train
bigred550m: On the way back down
bigred550m: Does any other train have a view like this?
bigred550m: On top of New England
bigred550m: The top
bigred550m: Looking west
bigred550m: Train in the tundra
bigred550m: A little windy
bigred550m: 16 degrees with the wind chill
bigred550m: Gina on top
bigred550m: Road to nowhere
bigred550m: Wooden train car
bigred550m: This is how we go up the mountain in a train
bigred550m: Why you would need to supercharge an R8 I don't know
bigred550m: Crazy R8
bigred550m: In the Valet lot