halahmoon: stairmaster
halahmoon: stairs
halahmoon: annika--still
halahmoon: kevin and papa
halahmoon: damon the storyteller
halahmoon: ngak sister and damon
halahmoon: smiles
halahmoon: hanging
halahmoon: annika in her chair (dad's arms)
halahmoon: annika's own swing
halahmoon: annika and papa
halahmoon: kevin's time out
halahmoon: dad checking in
halahmoon: love baby yawns!
halahmoon: sweet annika
halahmoon: bright candles
halahmoon: the birthday girl
halahmoon: tev and stephan
halahmoon: what's this?
halahmoon: is it what i think it is?
halahmoon: wait i feel something...
halahmoon: yes! yes! yes!
halahmoon: in a bag...
halahmoon: oh, louis (vuitton)
halahmoon: thank you, thank you
halahmoon: sammy