Pavel Chonya: Pied Kingfisher
Pavel Chonya: Fischer's Lovebirds
Pavel Chonya: Kenya Rufous Sparrow
Pavel Chonya: Hamerkop dining in Lake Naivasha
Pavel Chonya: White-headed Lapwing
Pavel Chonya: Pelican
Pavel Chonya: Bee-eaters on Zambezi river bank
Pavel Chonya: Lilac-breasted rollers in Ruaha NP
Pavel Chonya: Grey Heron
Pavel Chonya: Black-faced Sandgrouse
Pavel Chonya: Nubian woodpecker (Campethera nubica), female
Pavel Chonya: Purple Grenadier
Pavel Chonya: Tanzania Red-billed (Ruaha) Hornbill
Pavel Chonya: Blue-and-Yellow Macaw
Pavel Chonya: Greater Flamingos at the Oloiden lake, Kenya
Pavel Chonya: Kenya Rufous Sparrow
Pavel Chonya: Blue-and-Yellow Macaw
Pavel Chonya: Superb Starling
Pavel Chonya: Cattle Egret
Pavel Chonya: Yellow-billed Stork
Pavel Chonya: Sun Parakeet
Pavel Chonya: Juvenile yellow-billed Stork
Pavel Chonya: Night Heron
Pavel Chonya: Black‑crowned Night Heron
Pavel Chonya: Grey-bellied Bulbul
Pavel Chonya: The Common Kingfisher
Pavel Chonya: Yellow-billed Stork
Pavel Chonya: Scarlet Macaw
Pavel Chonya: Laughing Dove
Pavel Chonya: Red-cheeked cordonbleu