Hairlover: Poly
Hairlover: Poly
Hairlover: Amber and Poly chillin'
Hairlover: Cats are solar-powered
Hairlover: Poly
Hairlover: Amber
Hairlover: Star Wars Day
Hairlover: Conscientious cat observing social distancing.
Hairlover: Been there, done that.
Hairlover: Cat, patiently waiting
Hairlover: 87545782_10156860701420233_506775212868501504_n
Hairlover: Amber and Poly
Hairlover: Amber and Poly
Hairlover: Poly, lounging on the floor
Hairlover: The Love I Left Behind
Hairlover: Received in the mail
Hairlover: For most of us in the U.S.A.
Hairlover: Amber and Beck chowing down
Hairlover: Poly, my sweet polydactyl cat, visits me in the computer hutch. Most cats have 18 toes; Poly has 24.
Hairlover: Rain in Odessa, Texas
Hairlover: Beck and Amber getting some fresh air on a cool, cloudy day.
Hairlover: My good friend, Daniel Ramirez, took this photo
Hairlover: My good friend, Daniel Ramirez, took this photo
Hairlover: Beck out in a light snow
Hairlover: All My Children
Hairlover: All My Children
Hairlover: West Texas Sunset
Hairlover: Petting Amber
Hairlover: This is Amber's favorite hiding place.