Hairlover: Five cats, chowing down
Hairlover: Amber and the dreaded "kitty-chatter" -- be sure the sound is on!
Hairlover: My first video -- Fancy on my bed
Hairlover: Amber, wanting my attention
Hairlover: Another Fancy video on my bed
Hairlover: Lovie, getting some loving!
Hairlover: Paul's moment on video
Hairlover: Blueboy, getting some attention
Hairlover: Paul wants in - video
Hairlover: Beck's first video
Hairlover: Video -- Amber in the laundry basket
Hairlover: Beck, in his second video
Hairlover: Five cats chowing down
Hairlover: Fancy, getting some loving
Hairlover: Paul's third video
Hairlover: Beck, getting some loving
Hairlover: Blueboy, wanting some attention
Hairlover: Amber video
Hairlover: Paul, waking up from a nap
Hairlover: Fancy, in her latest video
Hairlover: Beck's newest video
Hairlover: Blueboy, patiently waiting for some attention
Hairlover: Beck, intrigued by human dental hygiene (with a cameo by Amber)
Hairlover: Amber, wanting out
Hairlover: Amber, checking out my dirt bike boots
Hairlover: Blueboy, nap interrupted
Hairlover: Attacking the dreaded foot monster!
Hairlover: Another video of Fancy wanting love
Hairlover: Rotating cats -- one in, two out
Hairlover: My kids checking out the new water fountain