hailun: simple truth
hailun: The purple pantihose
hailun: Angel's dream
hailun: Paint your own color
hailun: Spring in the living room
hailun: smile in the less sunny days
hailun: dreamy thoughts
hailun: my hopeless passion
hailun: You are not alone
hailun: You tell me everything by saying nothing
hailun: like a feather
hailun: just me
hailun: tomorrow
hailun: A string of tears
hailun: Just a rose
hailun: let me fly
hailun: Want a fight?
hailun: Tears in heaven
hailun: you say life is not complicated
hailun: tender whisper
hailun: 角落
hailun: yellow bookmark
hailun: Our conversation
hailun: dangling beauty
hailun: Still beautiful in the chilly autumn
hailun: I am not shy any more
hailun: Thousands of secrets
hailun: Tears of joy
hailun: I don't mind you have thorns
hailun: Just you and me