Indie Photos: Cheech at Hell's Gate
Indie Photos: Our Temporary Red Home
Indie Photos: Jodi at Hell's Gate
Indie Photos: Jodi at Hell's Gate
Indie Photos: Coffee at Hell's Gate
Indie Photos: The Bathroom at the Top of the World
Indie Photos: Entering Walla Walla
Indie Photos: Rafting Vista
Indie Photos: rafting rock
Indie Photos: The Oldest Rock in the World
Indie Photos: The Mountain Goats
Indie Photos: Rafting Cheech
Indie Photos: Rafting Cheech 2
Indie Photos: Raft Buddies
Indie Photos: Salmon Sheep
Indie Photos: u salmon sheep 2
Indie Photos: u big horn
Indie Photos: u vista
Indie Photos: u shoup
Indie Photos: u wilderness
Indie Photos: seattle panorama 1
Indie Photos: craters of the moon
Indie Photos: Twin Peaks Sports
Indie Photos: single peak
Indie Photos: Silver Spit Curl
Indie Photos: Lolo Pass
Indie Photos: Class IV
Indie Photos: Troll Avenue
Indie Photos: Farmer's Market