Paul Conneally: And the function of art is ...
Paul Conneally: Fish & Chips for Artists at The Bath Inn, Nottingham
Paul Conneally: The Function of Art and Fish and Chips
Paul Conneally: Gavin Wade and Paul Conneally at The Bath Inn Nottingham
Paul Conneally: THE FUNCTION OF ART AND FISH AND CHIPS @eprjcts @littleonion
Paul Conneally: Candice Jacobs - artist - at the Nottingham Bath Inn
Paul Conneally: Gavin Wade - Artist Curator Eastside Projects at The Bath Inn, Nottingham
Paul Conneally: Gerard Williams at The Bath Inn Nottingham
Paul Conneally: OUCH! - Bread Art - Eastside Projects - Birmingham
Paul Conneally: OUCH! - Art Bread from Eastside Projects