Ha@Ho: January 19_Eider - Kajka mořská
Ha@Ho: February 8_Mr Raven
Ha@Ho: February 10_Hrafn
Ha@Ho: March 27_Overeaten by dried fish
Ha@Ho: March 27_Who is this
Ha@Ho: April 1_Fulmar observing his home
Ha@Ho: April 11_Kittiwake
Ha@Ho: April 11_No, no...I am not going to wait for you
Ha@Ho: April 15_Wild geese on iceland
Ha@Ho: April 21_Black.headed gull
Ha@Ho: April 23_Whooper swans and ...
Ha@Ho: April 25_Mr. Raven on the stairs
Ha@Ho: April 26_Whooper swan near the cabins
Ha@Ho: April 28_Harlequin ducks
Ha@Ho: April 29_Red wing
Ha@Ho: April 29_Purler ..maybe?
Ha@Ho: May 04_Fumars fooling around
Ha@Ho: May 04_Mr. Fulmar
Ha@Ho: May 04_Siglufjordur - Fulmar bay
Ha@Ho: May 04_
Ha@Ho: May 05_Redshank
Ha@Ho: May 05_Whoper swans and wild geese
Ha@Ho: May 06_
Ha@Ho: May 06_Ptarmigan
Ha@Ho: May 10_It is not good to try to steal eiders eggs
Ha@Ho: May 11_
Ha@Ho: May 21_WIld geese
Ha@Ho: May 21_Green delight
Ha@Ho: May 21_Raven in love
Ha@Ho: May 27_Snack on the road