druif56: My garden at the back of the house
druif56: making baby's
druif56: harvest of snails after the rain
druif56: Japanees wine berry (japanse wijn bes)&clematis
druif56: HYDRANGEA "teller" Juni 2009
druif56: strawberry's mmmm ..lekker.
druif56: GAILLARDIA "Coblin"
druif56: the withe/pink GERANIUM sanguineum VAR. Stratum
druif56: something yellow flew in here
druif56: DSC05991
druif56: RHYNCOSPERNUM "jasminoÏdes"
druif56: COREOPSIS lanseolata "Sterntaler"
druif56: DSC05995
druif56: HYDRANGEA "Teller" Juli 2009
druif56: Mini tomatoes, still green
druif56: My rock!
druif56: little spider
druif56: round tomatoes still green
druif56: Frenche geranium
druif56: little scarabaeus ( in bronze)
druif56: The little Gardner
druif56: LELIE
druif56: Black berry, not ready yet
druif56: blue grape not ready for a long time
druif56: DSC06008
druif56: LOBELIA (the blue one)
druif56: CAILLARDIA "Coblin"
druif56: ECHINACEA purpurea "Alba"
druif56: Veronicastrum (verginicum , withe glow)
druif56: like a ballroomdress FUCHIA