- haf -: Pepsi!
- haf -: Liz's new digs
- haf -: Liz's new digs
- haf -: Going for a ride in a Porsche 914 (72)
- haf -: out on the open road
- haf -: A little beast!
- haf -: Kate and Rach out with the horses!
- haf -: A new friend
- haf -: View of the back garden
- haf -: Family photo
- haf -: Bruce and a beer
- haf -: Kate | Bruce
- haf -: extended family!
- haf -: Our host for the night
- haf -: engraved balloons
- haf -: cake!
- haf -: getting settled
- haf -: a little pate
- haf -: prawn cocktail
- haf -: mirror shot
- haf -: lovely cake
- haf -: steak pie (yummy!)
- haf -: chicken wrapped in ham
- haf -: Phil | Sandra
- haf -: Bruce | Kate
- haf -: Claire | Bec
- haf -: Geoff | Maria
- haf -: Rach | Heidi
- haf -: Karen | John
- haf -: big far chips!