Haddad Media: Ellen Tauscher and Steny Hoyer
Haddad Media: IMG_8251
Haddad Media: Nancy Pelosi
Haddad Media: Jane Harmon, Ellen Tauscher, Jay Newton Small, Heather Podesta
Haddad Media: Nancy Pelosi, Ellen Tauscher and Steny Hoyer
Haddad Media: Managing Director Scott Campbell and Ellen Tauscher
Haddad Media: Ellen Tauscher and guests
Haddad Media: Carmwell Montgomery and guests
Haddad Media: Juanita Rilling and Keith Kennedy
Haddad Media: Steny Hoyer and Ellen Tauscher
Haddad Media: IMG_8302
Haddad Media: Betsy Taylor and band
Haddad Media: Jay Newton Small, Glenn Nye and guest
Haddad Media: Betsy Taylor and Cranwell Montgomery
Haddad Media: Heather Podesta and Ellen Tauscher
Haddad Media: Fred Graefe looking at the view of the city
Haddad Media: John Yoshinari
Haddad Media: Jim Fraser and guest
Haddad Media: IMG_8353
Haddad Media: IMG_8361
Haddad Media: Carmwell Montgomery on the terrace
Haddad Media: IMG_8370
Haddad Media: IMG_8372
Haddad Media: IMG_8382
Haddad Media: IMG_8388
Haddad Media: IMG_8389
Haddad Media: Guest with Kate Moss and Howard Useem
Haddad Media: Dan Mulhollan and guest
Haddad Media: Debbie Dingell and guests
Haddad Media: IMG_8425