CA.CH: Dogwoods are so pretty in the spring
CA.CH: Dogwoods are so pretty in the spring
CA.CH: Yosemite never gets old
CA.CH: My beer the night before the climb
CA.CH: Breakfast before Day 1 of the death march
CA.CH: My breakfast the morning we left
CA.CH: Driving toward Williamson
CA.CH: Hiking through the valley
CA.CH: Hiking through the valley
CA.CH: Hiking through the valley
CA.CH: The valley gets smaller below us
CA.CH: The valley gets smaller below us
CA.CH: Cacti love it here - that's how hot it is
CA.CH: Cacti love it here - that's how hot it is
CA.CH: The valley gets smaller below us
CA.CH: The mountains
CA.CH: Heading up another set of switchbacks
CA.CH: Heading up another set of switchbacks
CA.CH: The mountains
CA.CH: Heading up another set of switchbacks
CA.CH: Heading up another set of switchbacks toward the next saddle
CA.CH: Heading up another set of switchbacks
CA.CH: Heading up another set of switchbacks
CA.CH: Heading up another set of switchbacks
CA.CH: Where I found my break spot, about 4 miles into the hike
CA.CH: James & me taking a break under some rare shade on the trail
CA.CH: Taking a break in the rare shade
CA.CH: Heading up another set of switchbacks
CA.CH: Heading up another set of switchbacks
CA.CH: Heading up another set of switchbacks