CA.CH: Naughty bits in Billie Goat that give the routes their names
CA.CH: Rope up Billie Goat
CA.CH: Routes on Billie Goat - we climbed "Permanent Erection"
CA.CH: Routes on Goat Rock - we climbed "Swiss Cheese" that day
CA.CH: Routes on Last Temptation
CA.CH: Timothy was a little heavy for Jennifer, so she anchored herself to the tree - thankfully
CA.CH: The easier route to the bottom of The Falls
CA.CH: A pair of Russians climbing The Falls
CA.CH: My first crack climb! Up the side of The Falls
CA.CH: Jennifer belaying Timothy up "Putrefaction" on The Falls
CA.CH: This is *exactly* the kind of sign that tempts me... :)
CA.CH: Sunset over Castle Rock
CA.CH: Sunset over Castle Rock