CA.CH: Me and Kristi out in Baltimore
CA.CH: Erika fixing Liz's hair
CA.CH: Me between two tall blondes. Love it!
CA.CH: Kristi enjoying beer in Baltimore
CA.CH: Me in Baltimore
CA.CH: Me out in Baltimore
CA.CH: Kristi and me in Baltimore
CA.CH: Seth and Kristi
CA.CH: Cheers!
CA.CH: Orange crush shots. Yum!
CA.CH: Me, Erika, and Liz with our shots
CA.CH: Me, Erika, and Kristi
CA.CH: The Gang - Seth, Liz, Ken, me, and Kristi
CA.CH: Seth and Kristi
CA.CH: Erika and me
CA.CH: Erika and me
CA.CH: Seth, post-pizza
CA.CH: Kristi post-pizza
CA.CH: Baltimore! From Melanie's place
CA.CH: The pool at Melanie's place
CA.CH: Kristi making friends with Pumba!
CA.CH: Pumba
CA.CH: Diana and Kristi
CA.CH: Me, Melanie, and Diana
CA.CH: Me and Kristi
CA.CH: Me with my Hacker-Pschor Dunkelweisen (not as tasty as I would've liked)
CA.CH: Our appetizer. Waffle fry nachos
CA.CH: Puck that.
CA.CH: Me, Melanie, and Diana dancing
CA.CH: Me, Melanie, Diana, and Kristi