CA.CH: Family BBQ
CA.CH: Family BBQ
CA.CH: Brother and mom
CA.CH: Christine's dog
CA.CH: Paige, her 4mo old Westin, Joan, and Christine
CA.CH: Isn't he a cutie???
CA.CH: Jackson, Doug, and Mike
CA.CH: Mom and Uncle Mike
CA.CH: Me, MaryAnn, and Art
CA.CH: Mike, mom, Julie, and Sydeny
CA.CH: Miles
CA.CH: Joan, MaryAnn, Julie, and Art
CA.CH: Stephen holding Stella
CA.CH: Sydney, Julie, and Art
CA.CH: Brother, mom, 2mo old Stella, and Stephen
CA.CH: Realistic robotic fish
CA.CH: Doug playing with Jackson
CA.CH: Talking to Uncle Mike
CA.CH: MaryAnn, mom, and Aunt Joan
CA.CH: Eric and me, chatting about wine
CA.CH: Jackson and Sydney
CA.CH: Sydney's already got the dramatic bangs-in-the-face look down pat
CA.CH: Sydney, Jackson, and Doug
CA.CH: Jackson - what a cutie!!!
CA.CH: My brother, Jackson, and Doug
CA.CH: Christine and her boyfriend Alex
CA.CH: Stephen, Stella, and Lauren
CA.CH: My mom and dad, Aunt MaryAnn, and Uncle Art
CA.CH: Aunt Joan and my mom
CA.CH: Stephen and Stella