Hackney Council:
Underv 16 Sports Personality of the Year Winner - Alfred Mugabo
Hackney Council:
Underv 25 Sports Personality of the Year Winner - Tao Geoghagan Hart
Hackney Council:
Underv 25 Sports Personality of the Year runner up - Shaquila Joseph
Hackney Council:
Underv 16 Sports Personality of the Year runner up - Savannah Sills (collected by her mum)
Hackney Council:
Mayor's Award winner - Sabir Bham from Salaam Peace Project
Hackney Council:
Under 18 Team of the Year winners - Cardinale Poles School Weightlifting Team
Hackney Council:
BMX Stunt display - East London Cycle Organsiation - 2
Hackney Council:
Under 11 Team of the Year winners - Clissold Mini Red Tennis Team
Hackney Council:
Voluntary Services to Sports winners
Hackney Council:
Tower, Hackneys own Discover young hackney winner
Hackney Council:
Hackney's Olympic Team - torch bearers, gamesmakers and participants
Hackney Council:
Olympic Super Heavy Weight Boxing Champion Anthony Joshua answering questions from the audience - 2
Hackney Council:
Olympic Super Heavy Weight Boxing Champion Anthony Joshua answering questions from the audience
Hackney Council:
Hackney Youth Sports Fund Gold recipients
Hackney Council:
Personal Best Winners - Kingsmead Primary School with Anthony's Gold Olympic medal
Hackney Council:
Olympic Super Heavy Weight Boxing Champion Anthony Joshua with Comedian Kat B
Hackney Council:
BMX Stunt display - East London Cycle Organsiation
Hackney Council:
Sports Club of the Year - ReachOut Football Club
Hackney Council:
Hackney resident, olympic 200m semi final sprinterMargeret Adeoye
Hackney Council:
Schools Challenge Trophy - Stoke Newington School
Hackney Council:
Coach of the Year Winner - Fe Keown
Hackney Council:
LYG Most Improved Team - Hackney Boys Basketball Team
Hackney Council:
Kat & Anthony
Hackney Council:
LYG Team Contribution Winners - Hackney Sailing Team
Hackney Council:
Avante Gard Dance Group
Hackney Council:
Hackney Sports Awards 2012
Hackney Council:
Inclusion Winner - Jill Danskin
Hackney Council:
New Age Games winneers
Hackney Council:
Personal Best Winners - Kingsmead Primary School
Hackney Council:
LYG Medallists 2012