habi: straits of tiran
habi: straits of tiran
habi: DSC05847
habi: DSC05848
habi: DSC05849
habi: DSC05850
habi: DSC05852
habi: DSC05854
habi: DSC05859
habi: barrels from a sunken ship
habi: DSC05864
habi: DSC05866
habi: DSC05870
habi: out of space
habi: Coral
habi: DSC05879
habi: quite normal fish population at a riff
habi: nina
habi: a lion fish
habi: looks eerie
habi: table coral
habi: DSC05896
habi: DSC05899
habi: the sinai
habi: :-)
habi: the view from the hotel down to the beach
habi: DSC05912
habi: the little mermaid
habi: DSC05927
habi: DSC05937