haberlea: Hereford Cathedral
haberlea: Hereford Cathedral, the nave looking east towards the choir
haberlea: Vault
haberlea: Hereford Cathedral
haberlea: Looking up the triforium and clerestory
haberlea: Piers in Hereford Cathedral
haberlea: Arch
haberlea: Two blind windows
haberlea: West Window
haberlea: Hereford cathedral
haberlea: Hereford Cathedral
haberlea: Through the arch
haberlea: Hereford Cathedral choir
haberlea: Arches and zigzags
haberlea: the Hereford Corona
haberlea: Eagle Lectern
haberlea: Arches
haberlea: Window
haberlea: Arches
haberlea: More arches
haberlea: Window
haberlea: Vault
haberlea: St Ethelbert
haberlea: Arches
haberlea: Lady Chapel, Hereford Cathedral
haberlea: Lady Chapel
haberlea: Angel
haberlea: Piers
haberlea: Cross