h_savill: Piraeus Archaeology Museum - grave goods
h_savill: Ceramic grave goods from a child's burial
h_savill: Amphora, with representation of a horse on the neck
h_savill: Olpe, and Cotyle - Piraeus Archaeology Museum
h_savill: Pithamphora
h_savill: Knight or cavalier burial
h_savill: 1 - Herakles and Apollo plaque
h_savill: 2 - Herakles and Apollo plaque
h_savill: Trajan - Piraeus Archaeological Museum
h_savill: Roman Emperor Claudius - Piraeus Archaeological Museum
h_savill: Balbinus - Piraeus Archaeological Museum
h_savill: Hadrian - Piraeus Archaeological Museum
h_savill: gravestone of Timokleides - Piraeus Archaeological Museum
h_savill: Grave monument of the metics from Istros
h_savill: Frieze - Grave monument of the metics
h_savill: Statues - Grave monument of the metics
h_savill: Horseman frieze - Grave monument of the metics
h_savill: Palmette painted Stele - Piraeus archaeological museum
h_savill: So. Many. Pots!
h_savill: Mycenean Pottery from Salamis
h_savill: Mycenean figurines
h_savill: Mycenean ceramics
h_savill: Piraeus bronzes
h_savill: Piraeus - bronze Apollo
h_savill: Apollo (in bronze)
h_savill: Bronze Artemis
h_savill: Artemis, in bronze
h_savill: Athena - in bronze
h_savill: Bronze Athena
h_savill: Bronze Athena - in profile