[cipher]: Day 228
[cipher]: working
[cipher]: sora cafe
[cipher]: boarding
[cipher]: subway
[cipher]: dried fish
[cipher]: wheat noodle with seaweed
[cipher]: rural zone
[cipher]: trip with iPhone
[cipher]: rural zone
[cipher]: local station
[cipher]: sunset
[cipher]: rearhorse
[cipher]: rearhorse
[cipher]: rearhorse
[cipher]: rearhorse
[cipher]: crape myrtle and sky
[cipher]: crape myrtle and sky
[cipher]: crape myrtle and sky
[cipher]: relaxing
[cipher]: leafy shade
[cipher]: leafy shade
[cipher]: it's hot
[cipher]: japanese cinnamon
[cipher]: Day 227
[cipher]: shade
[cipher]: spider
[cipher]: bank of clouds
[cipher]: ancient milestone
[cipher]: burn incense