[cipher]: 6.14 start
[cipher]: escalator
[cipher]: into tube
[cipher]: tube
[cipher]: for shibuya
[cipher]: platform
[cipher]: vaulted ceiling
[cipher]: fukutoshin-line stops
[cipher]: going down to platform
[cipher]: description glass
[cipher]: escalator
[cipher]: look down
[cipher]: lights
[cipher]: direction wall
[cipher]: direction wall
[cipher]: going up to ticket gate
[cipher]: direction columns
[cipher]: fukutoshin-line shibuya sta.
[cipher]: exit c
[cipher]: guide plate
[cipher]: vaulted ceiling
[cipher]: vaulted ceiling
[cipher]: vaulted ceiling
[cipher]: shibuya fukutoshin-line platform
[cipher]: platform
[cipher]: blue bench
[cipher]: elevator
[cipher]: no.3 and no.4
[cipher]: light wall
[cipher]: meiji-jingumae sta.